General Resources


Shaurya Ganjoo is a 3rd year varsity debater from Ridge High School that has competed in a variety of events. He currently competes in varsity Lincoln Douglas Debate, and is the 7th highest ranked debater in New Jersey.

Dhruv Patel is a student at Harvard College. He is  interested in full-stack app and web development, with experience in back-end bioinformatics as an intern at the Lubbe Lab at Northwestern and front-end design creating MapAbility.

We've done all the hard work for you - you're welcome. We've compiled a list of all of our favorite news sources for you to research and win more rounds.

Intro to Utilitarianism

By Shaurya Ganjoo

A simplified version of utilitarianism, the moral philosophy that holds that the most ethical course of action is the one that maximizes overall happiness or well-being.

External Resources

Beyond Resolved is a website dedicated to addressing the problems of inequity in the Speech and Debate community. They have created dozens of initiatives, including low cost camps, free coaching services, a coaching directory and more.

The Case List Wiki is an open list of real, verified, and disclosed cases from debaters across the country.

This resource is helpful for individuals trying to learn about the events that the NSDA has to offer, what they are, and details about competition.

Understanding the NSDA rules and manuals can be really important, especially to avoid breaking them. We highly recommend debaters keep up with NSDA evidence rules to ensure they comply.

Many debaters and coaches are unaware that they can get free HeinOnline access through the NSDA.

If you have an NSDA account, you can access the final rounds of all NSDA rounds. These can be really helpful to see high level debates, to offer demonstrations to your teams, or to use for analysis purposes.

Debate Learning is a free website designed to improve your debate skills. They offer free services including videos, mentorship, case construction, and more.

Proteus Debate Academy has great instructional videos designed to teach you how to become a better debater.

CardCut Pro is a customizable card-cutting app for debate that automatically formats cards, saving time and effort for serious debaters. 

DebateDash is an app that allows debaters to time their speeches for any debate type. It also includes drills to help speakers become more efficient in their speeches. With its automatic transcription and suggestions for commonly used filler words, DebateDash is a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their public speaking skills.

Kankee Briefs makes free, top-quality briefs and topic analyses, written by former debaters and coaches. Here is an Open Source Google Drive alternative to the Kankee website.