2022 Sept/Oct PF:

Best Sources

Every debater's worst nightmare: the new topic gets announced, and suddenly you're tasked with finding a mountain of evidence to both back up your cases and better understand the topic. Chances are neither you nor your teammates know anything about high-speed rails. There's only one solution: research. Luckily, we've compiled a list of sources to aid in your research and get you ahead of the competition.

First Steps

As with any other topic, the first step is simple: a Google search! In fact, when searching up "high speed-rail" on Google, the first result is a massive, eight-chapter long Wikipedia article with more than 150 sources embedded in it. This topic has had a robust history, and people have dedicated their entire lives towards this one field of study. The point? The internet is at your fingertips, and often a simple search is enough to point you in the right direction.

Pro Sources

First, we've compiled a list of useful resources that are an absolute must-read for the pro side. These articles tend to cover more general, short arguments in favor of the high-speed rail. They cover arguments like economic development, social benefits, air pollution, jobs, and more.

Benefits of High-Speed Rail for the United States

8 Benefits of High-speed Trains

High Speed Rail Development Worldwide

High-Speed Rail Benefits Small Towns and Large Cities

What Are The Benefits Of High-Speed Rail?

High-Speed Trains Provide Environmental, Social Benefits, Study Says

High-speed rail: Does its economic impact match its breakneck speed?

Ten reasons America needs high-speed rail

Public Transit and the Benefits of High-Speed Rail

Why the US needs to get on track with high-speed rail

Advantages of High-Speed Rail System

2021 Pros and Cons of High-Speed Rail in the U.S.

High Speed Rail Benefits

The Promise of High-speed Rail in New Cities

What Do High-Speed Rails Bring To Us?

Pros and Cons of High Speed Rail

High-speed rail’s many benefits

High-speed rail impact on urban economic growth

Does the opening of high-speed railways improve urban livability?

The influence of high-speed rails on urban innovation and the underlying mechanism

Investments in High-Speed Rail Continue to Lift California’s Economy

Sustainability by High–Speed Rail: The Reduction Mechanisms of Transportation Infrastructure on Haze Pollution

Is the High-Speed Rail Opening Environmentally Friendly?

Does high-speed railway reduce air pollution along highways?

High-speed rail project to work to improve air quality in California

Impact of the opening of high-speed rail on environmental pollution in the Yangtze River Economic Belt: Promoting or inhibiting?

Does High-Speed Rail Reduce Environmental Pollution?

Environment: High-speed rail networks help reduce China’s carbon emissions

Does High-Speed Rail Opening Affect the Health Care Environment?

Urbanization Through the Benefits of High-Speed Rail System

Literature Review of Socioeconomic and Environmental Impacts of High-Speed Rail in the World

Lifecycle Environmental Impact of High-Speed Rail System in the I-45 Corridor

Con Sources

Next, we can move on to the con side, highlighting some key sources that argue against the high-speed rail. These sources lean towards arguments like environmental harms, legal barriers, and climate change.

Why Doesn’t The United States Have High-Speed Bullet Trains Like Europe And Asia?

The High‐​Speed Rail Money Sink: Why the United States Should Not Spend Trillions on Obsolete Technology

A Summary Reality Check of Why High-Speed Rail is a Bad Idea

The California High-Speed Rail Project’s Negative Impacts on Minority Communities

High Speed Rail: Detriment or Benefit to the Environment?

Biden’s High-Speed Rail To Nowhere

Train to nowhere: can California’s high-speed rail project ever get back on track?

Environmental Footprints of High-Speed Railway Construction in China

Environmental balance of the high speed rail network in Spain

High-speed train could go through ‘irreplaceable’ land in Maryland

California High Speed Rail Will Increase Pollution

Is high-speed rail the fast track to transport decarbonization

What Would High-Speed Rail Do to Suburban Sprawl?

Thus marks the end of this post. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email us via our email: resources.debate@gmail.com. Please spread the word to other debaters who you think may find this website useful! Make sure to check out our other posts, as they're guaranteed to help.